Welcome to Fishkeeping League

Your best friends differ from those from Oceans & Streams, we’re here to help you take care of them better.

a man is cleaning the tank
Timothy was cleaning the tank

Who We Are?

Hey! Welcome to Fishkeeping League. Glad to see you there!

I’m Timothy, the founder and chief content editor at FishkeepingLeague.com.

I strive to provide precise step-by-step and beginner-friendly tips for Fish keeping hobbyists or enthusiasts. No obscure jargon and you can easily learn everything you need to know for your water-dwelling friends.

For this reason, I created this 5-star team to help us put together the most fact-based knowledge which helps your friends swim leisurely all the time.

Latest Posts

13 Best Tank Mates for Betta in a 5-Gallon Tank
A red color betta fish